Jestem ZŁY, jestem PASKUDNY, jestem EVIL!!
**** THE PROOF THAT Andrzej Rutkowski IS EVIL ****
Thus, "Andrzej Rutkowski" is 1548.
Multiply it by 17, the symbol of domination - the number is now 26316.
Turn the number backwards, subtract 1950 - the year Steve Wozniak, the faithful worshipper, was born. The number is now 59412.
Divide by 6, the smallest perfect number - the result is 9902.
Add 0391 to it - this is the year synthetic rubber was first produced, endangering the concept of intercourse for the purpose of procreation, written backwards - you will get 10293.
Subtract 9061 from the number - this is the year Gallileo, inspired by the Satan himself, came up with his ridiculous theory, written backwards. It gives 1232.
This number, read as octal, gives 666 - the number of the Beast.
This is truly evil. QED.
Na stronie evil finder mozesz sprawdzić co jeszcze jest EVIL.
Jezeli dowód cię nie satysfakcjonuje po prostu przeladuj strone, a po chwili pojawi sie nowe uzasadnienie.
1 14 4 18 26 5 10 18 21 20 11 15 23 19 11 9 - as numbers
1 5 4 9 8 5 1 9 3 2 2 6 5 1 2 9 - digits added
\_____________/ \_____________/ \_____________/ \_____________/
1 5 4 8 - digits added

Multiply it by 17, the symbol of domination - the number is now 26316.
Turn the number backwards, subtract 1950 - the year Steve Wozniak, the faithful worshipper, was born. The number is now 59412.
Divide by 6, the smallest perfect number - the result is 9902.
Add 0391 to it - this is the year synthetic rubber was first produced, endangering the concept of intercourse for the purpose of procreation, written backwards - you will get 10293.
Subtract 9061 from the number - this is the year Gallileo, inspired by the Satan himself, came up with his ridiculous theory, written backwards. It gives 1232.
This number, read as octal, gives 666 - the number of the Beast.
This is truly evil. QED.
Na stronie evil finder mozesz sprawdzić co jeszcze jest EVIL.
Jezeli dowód cię nie satysfakcjonuje po prostu przeladuj strone, a po chwili pojawi sie nowe uzasadnienie.
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